7 best market research companies in South Africa

7 best market research companies in South Africa

If you’re looking into market research options for your company

How to transfer raw survey data into a visualized format for better interpretation?

How to transfer raw survey data into a visualized format for better interpretation?

Survey data analysis, like any scientific discipline, follows a strict

How to carry out valuable marketing campaigns: 5 savvy tips to try in 2022

How to carry out valuable marketing campaigns: 5 savvy tips to try in 2022

Valuable marketing campaigns can help you meet or surpass your

Customer Service Week 2022 – Celebrate service!

Customer Service Week 2022 – Celebrate service!

Customer Service Week is an international ceremony commemorating the value

What is Audience measurement Ad recall rate?

What is Audience measurement Ad recall rate?

Advertising is all about investing resources to reach specific geographies

What are Trackers and how do they provide consumer insights?

What are Trackers and how do they provide consumer insights?

Trackers are useful for market research because they analyze the

Is Consumer Insights Research the Same as Market Research?

Is Consumer Insights Research the Same as Market Research?

Market research and consumer insights research are nearly interchangeable concepts.

Finding the right Market Research Agency

Finding the right Market Research Agency

Market research is an industry-specific service. It is often the

Cross Tabs vs Insights: Is there really a difference?

Cross Tabs vs Insights: Is there really a difference?

The more thoroughly you study your survey results, the more

How market research helps Western Companies expand to Africa

How market research helps Western Companies expand to Africa

Due to the fledgling phase of its markets, Africa offers

Market research vs Competitor research: which is better for understanding African consumers?

Market research vs Competitor research: which is better for understanding African consumers?

Market research assists your business in acquiring customers. Competitor research

Audience Measurement: The basics

Audience Measurement: The basics

Audience measurement is the estimation of a media audience’s size.

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Post-survey feedback: How to respond to consumer insights

Post-survey feedback: How to respond to consumer insights

In an earlier publication, we discussed how surveys help businesses

Market Research: Definition, Types, and Uses

Market Research: Definition, Types, and Uses

Market research is the gathering of information regarding market demands

How to conduct multilingual surveys in African countries

How to conduct multilingual surveys in African countries

Market research lays a firm basis for a business and

Market Research Timeline in Africa

Market Research Timeline in Africa

In a region where most businesses are still relatively new

How to make your survey respondents provide honest feedback?

How to make your survey respondents provide honest feedback?

Businesses must obtain high-quality and honest feedback to increase customer

How to find the right survey participants in Africa

How to find the right survey participants in Africa

Obtain accurate findings from your survey by locating the appropriate

How much does Market research cost in Africa in 2022?

How much does Market research cost in Africa in 2022?

The market research cost depends on the project’s size and

Buyer Persona: How do I ensure that consumers’ survey responses reflect their actual behavior?

Buyer Persona: How do I ensure that consumers’ survey responses reflect their actual behavior?

Buyer personas are characterizations of your targeted consumers based on

Quantitative Vs. Qualitative Research: Understanding the basics

Quantitative Vs. Qualitative Research: Understanding the basics

Quantitative and qualitative research are alternative methodologies you can mix

5 ways surveys in Africa help businesses make smarter business decisions

5 ways surveys in Africa help businesses make smarter business decisions

Businesses globally are designed to solve problems in society. The

Nigerian Women Prefer Beauty Products Made With Natural African Skincare Ingredients

Nigerian Women Prefer Beauty Products Made With Natural African Skincare Ingredients

Our report shows that Nigerian brands are outperforming international names

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