How to win in Africa despite the global inflation

How to win in Africa despite the global inflation

In recent memory, Africa has been facing one of the

Top 5 things you need to know about market research in Africa

Top 5 things you need to know about market research in Africa

In recent years, Africa has received much attention in terms

Tv ads vs Social Media ads: How to decide the one to use?

Tv ads vs Social Media ads: How to decide the one to use?

With the continuous penetration of mobile and internet connectivity, businesses

How to succeed in Africa with customer insight

How to succeed in Africa with customer insight

Some major businesses that lost a significant portion of their

How to leverage consumer insights

How to leverage consumer insights

At its core, leveraging consumer insights allows your company to

What is brand health, and how to measure it?

What is brand health, and how to measure it?

I’m sure you agree that a strong brand is critical

How to Track Radio Advertising

How to Track Radio Advertising

Radio is an effective advertising medium with high Returns on

Customer segmentation vs market segmentation

Customer segmentation vs market segmentation

When it comes to creating consumer segmentation, there are two

Best countries to invest in Africa

Best countries to invest in Africa

The African continent is rich in human and natural resources

Market segmentation: The best way to win the African market

Market segmentation: The best way to win the African market

Global business leaders and investors are becoming increasingly interested in

Does Audience Measurement cover all Radio and TV stations in Nigeria?

Does Audience Measurement cover all Radio and TV stations in Nigeria?

Survey54’s audience measurement reach in Nigeria is unrivaled! With our

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Best countries to invest in Africa

Best countries to invest in Africa

The African continent is rich in human and natural resources

What are Survey screening questions?

What are Survey screening questions?

You don’t want just anyone to respond when sending out

How Ghanaian consumers respond to ads

How Ghanaian consumers respond to ads

Insights from the Ghanaian advertising report Ghanaian consumers are prone

Top market research companies in Egypt

Top market research companies in Egypt

Are you looking for reputable market research companies in Egypt?

Top market research companies in Kenya

Top market research companies in Kenya

Are you looking for reputable market research companies in Kenya?

How can you use negative reviews to discover market needs?

How can you use negative reviews to discover market needs?

Let’s be honest: receiving negative reviews can be a gut

How to use consumer insights to elevate your marketing strategy?

How to use consumer insights to elevate your marketing strategy?

Consumer insights are the fuel that keeps brands running. A

How to ensure the authenticity and reliability of survey data

How to ensure the authenticity and reliability of survey data

The concepts of authenticity and reliability of survey data are

7 best market research companies in South Africa

7 best market research companies in South Africa

If you’re looking into market research options for your company

How to transfer raw survey data into a visualized format for better interpretation?

How to transfer raw survey data into a visualized format for better interpretation?

Survey data analysis, like any scientific discipline, follows a strict

Customer Service Week 2022 – Celebrate service!

Customer Service Week 2022 – Celebrate service!

Customer Service Week is an international ceremony commemorating the value

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