2021 Township Report

SA township report


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The South African township market represents hundreds of billions of rands of spending power, yet little publicly available data exists to help marketers better understand how to tailor their messaging to speak to the needs and wants of this substantial audience.

In partnership with market research company Survey54 and Marketing Mix Conferences, Rogerwilco produced THE 2021 SOUTH AFRICAN TOWNSHIP MARKETING REPORT with insights from a dozen industry experts to equip marketers with actionable insights that will refine their marketing message to reflect the changing demands of marketing to township audiences.

What is Survey54:

Survey54 is a market survey and data collection platform that uses mobile technology to reach audiences in emerging markets and diaspora communities. Reach audiences within Africa, the Middle East or the African-American community.

What is our mission:

Our mission is to make people data more accessible in Africa and other emerging markets. We are building a data library to understand the African consumer using AI.